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EDGE and Tesseract are imprints of Hades Publications, Inc.
Writer's Guidelines
We are currently seeking high-quality novel-length science fiction and fantasy submissions of all types. We are not interested in erotica, strictly religious fiction, short stories (other than submission for a specific anthology), dark/gruesome fantasy, or poetry.
Manuscripts should be written in good taste and be aimed at a well-read, mature audience.
We only accept submissions of novels between 75,000 and 100,000 words. We work with new and established authors.
EDGE occasionally publishes YA speculative fiction; however, any YA submissions must meet all of our guidelines listed here. In particular, any YA manuscripts must be aimed at a well-read, mature audience, and be between 75,000 and 100,000 words.
We particularly like stories with:
- depth and insight
- great writing
- original ideas
- interesting characters who have believable behaviors, motives, and relationships
- believable dialogue
- strong plots
- solid science or magic systems
- unique settings
- well designed, innovative alien life forms and environments, and
- richly detailed and original cultures.
Please be sure that you send us the best version of your work. Before you submit your work (see requirements below), your novel should be complete (not a work-in-progress) and have already undergone extensive editing and revisions.
We do not accept simultaneous submissions.
Incorrect or incomplete submissions will be rejected. Do not send your entire manuscript until asked to do so. If you send your entire manuscript all at once it will be rejected.
We accept electronic submissions in Microsoft Word or other text attachments (not pdfs) via email to michelle@hadespublications.com. Follow the guidelines starting at step 2 below.
NOTE: On average it can take up to 3 months to respond to your submission.
The following are only guidelines, but the more accurate you are, the smoother the submission process will be. Please also read the FAQ page for more tips.
What to Submit
- Required Extras (see below)
- Query/Cover Letter (see below)
- Synopsis (see below)
- Title Page (see below)
- Prologue (optional) (see below)
- Chapters One, Two, Three (do not send more chapters) (see below)
1. Required Extras (if submitting a paper copy via mail)
- A suitably sized self-addressed envelope if you desire return of the sample chapters.
- Sufficient postage for return.
- NOTE: If you live outside of Canada you must not use stamps on your return envelopes. Ask your local postal service for more information.
If you live in Canada you should use Canadian stamps.
- Do not attach US or foreign postage to the return envelopes! Foreign postage CANNOT be mailed from within Canada!
2. Query/Cover Letter
(single-spaced, approximately one page)
- This letter should introduce you to us, interest us in considering your manuscript, and provide us with a small amount of your writing history.
- Be sure to mention your book's title, its exact word count, and the genre.
- Do not include the synopsis of your story here.
- Include your name, address, telephone number, and email address.
- If you are submitting via email, you may paste this information into the body of the email, or attach it as a text document.
3. Synopsis
(single-spaced, one page is preferred - no more than five pages)
- Use any technique (point form, chapter by chapter, etc) that conveys the entire arc of the story.
- Do not leave out important details to "build suspense". The editor must know everything about your story!
- If you are submitting via email, attach this as a text document.
4. Title Page
- Exact total number of words in manuscript
- (left, 8 sp lines down from top of page)
- Author's name, address, telephone number, email address
- (left, 2 sp lines down from previous line)
- Title of manuscript
- (centered, 16 sp lines down from top of page)
- The words A Novel By and then author's name or pen name
- (centered, 2 sp lines down from previous line)
- If there is an agent: The agent's name, address, telephone number, and email address; otherwise, leave blank.
- (left, 6 sp lines down from previous line)
If you have a Dedication, Foreword, Preface, Acknowledgments, or a general Epigraph for your story, feel free to include them with your submission. Please format them similarly to the prologue or chapter pages.
5. Prologue (if any)
- The word Prologue
- (centered, 8 sp lines down from top of first page)
- This goes only on the first page of the prologue!
- The text of the prologue
- (justify or left, start 2 sp lines down from previous line)
- Let the text flow naturally from top to bottom on all other prologue pages.
6. Chapters One, Two, Three (do not send more chapters)
- The chapter number and title in the form "Chapter x : ___"
- (centered, 8 sp lines down from top of page)
- This goes only on the first page of each chapter!
- If there is an epigraph: The text of the epigraph
- (centered, 4 sp lines down from previous line, first page only)
- If there is an epigraph: The symbol - then source of the epigraph
- (centered, 1 sp line down from previous line, first page only)
- The text of the chapter
- (justify or left, 4 sp lines down from previous line)
- Let the text flow naturally from top to bottom on all other chapter pages.
- If you are submitting via email, attach the title page, any prologue or other front matter, and all three chapters in one text document.
Formatting the Prologue, and Chapters One, Two, Three of your submission
- Use Times New Roman (size 12).
- Set up 1" margins.
- Number all submission pages in the footer (Page 1 is the first page of the prologue or chapter one).
- Put the author's last name and an abbreviation of the manuscript title in the header on all submission pages.
- If printing, use 8.5" X 11" white paper; print on one side only.
All text should be double-spaced.
Begin each section on a new page.
Note that 'sp' (in instructions above) stands for single-spaced.
Mail your paper submission to:
Acquisitions Editor
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
P.O. Box 1414
Calgary, AB
T2P 2L6
NOTE: EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing is not responsible for submissions lost or damaged in transit.
EDGE and Tesseract Books are distributed in Canada and the United States by Fitzhenry and Whiteside (more)
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, Inc.
and Tesseract Books, Ltd.
P.O. Box 1414, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2L7
Phone: (403) 254-0160 - Fax: (403) 254-0456
This page is copyright © 1999-2024. All rights reserved.