Read Chapter One
ISBN: 978-1-894063-08-1
Trade Paperback
5.5" X 8.5"
358 pages
For Life, For Love, For Liberty...
Book of the
Year Award
Across the natural divide provided by the Myrmidic Woods and the River Tor, Keaen and Tergan eye each other with an enmity as old as history. At the court of Keaen, Pandrak, the emissary of the magices of Skele, strives to fulfill his assigned duty: to ensure the survival of an ancient Covenant between the ruler and the people. But Pandrak is a man with divided loyalties.
In the city of Keaen, opposition to the Covenant is gathering strength. Would-be-revolutionaries are preparing for action, and at Castle Keaen, Armist and Tahlia are being readied for their assigned roles: Armist as his father's successor; Tahlia as bride to one of the provincial barons. Unwilling to submit to their fates, Armist and Tahlia flee the castle, threatening the stability of the nation. But when they learn the truth about their origins, they realize that the only way to go forward is to turn back.
About Till Noever
Till Noever was born in Germany and emigrated to Australia at the age of twenty. He holds degrees in both Physics and Cognitive Sciences and his personal interests include: Samurai swordcraft, Eastern philosophy, space exploration, and research into human life extension.
In addition to novels, Till also writes for film and is active in New Zealand’s independent movie industry.
He currently lives with his family in Dunedin, New Zealand. [MORE]
"Keaen is a well-plotted novel with plenty of combat, twists, turns, setbacks, and revelations to keep the reader intrigued. The characters are strong, sympathetic and multifaceted, and the land has a fantastic edge without using genre cliches such as elves, dwarves, and dragons." - Dru Pagliassotti, The Harrow
"Till Noever's Keaen is fun to read. You don't need an encyclopedic memory to hold its characters and events in your memory. Its trim 350 pages have plenty to dig your teeth into without taking over your reading time for weeks on end. The story is well crafted; the characters memorable." - Terry Baker, Eternal Night
"... very good ... more of an adventure tale with narrow escapes, knife fights and carnivorous beings who come out at night. It may take some work on the part of the reader, but this is recommended." - Paul Lappen (Manchester, CT USA)
"Keaen is an enticing read with action around every corner moving along briskly. Till Noever's writing style is descriptive, provoking, and electrifying. Readers will not be bored or bombarded with excessive back-story like in so many books. The author does well at divulging what and when as needed only. It is quite visible that this author has carefully designed this fantastical tale without having sacrificed adventure.
Keaen is a genuine medieval-like society, and a richly described world that will leave readers searching for its location.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Mr. Noever's work and certainly look forward to more! - Betsie's Literary Page
"The book has many exciting episodes and Noever has used his talent to transpire from one to the other in fine fashion." - Francis M. Laton
"A well-scripted trilogy involving eight unlikely heroes, set on the backdrop of an all-too-real medieval-like society, its class systems and historical laws, replete with a dark underbelly in the form of the `magices', who hold the secret of the peoples' cosmic origins in an iron fist of secrecy.
The author's writing style was tasteful, entertaining and had good continuity, so it should be inoffensive to the sensibilities of all but the very cynical or simple of mind." - Sean Mitchell
"I am eagerly awaiting the sequels to this fantastic debut novel." - Damian Mallon
"Keaen introduces us to a well imagined, richly described world, and like those of Jack Vance, is almost a character in itself. The novel's human characters are immediately engaging, strong in surprisingly believable ways, and rather than being overwhelmed by their stage, which might have been a danger here, the people and their world compliment and fill each other out.
The book is a well-knit piece of work, carefully plotted without sacrificing adventure. This is an adventure, and despite the cover art I'd prefer to call it a science fiction, rather than a fantasy, adventure. Something that had me intrigued and looking for a sequel was the mystery of the origins of this world's society. We learn a little, wonder about more (there are more indications of highly advanced technology than wizardry). I consider that a bonus, a contribution to a good old `sense of wonder', and this book is complete in itself, so I wasn't left hanging. The atmosphere, the story, and the lively and human people and dialogue were thoroughly enjoyable. I'm looking forward to more from Mr. Noever." - J. Anderson
"... a thrilling, exhilarating and most fulfilling story." - Rowan Taigel
"This book is a great fun read. The characters are rich and engaging, the action moves along briskly, and the plot twists keep coming" - Anthony Robins
"The language is descriptive, evocative, and dazzlingly literate. Much of the adventure is told through lively, witty dialog. The story moves smoothly between scenes of tension and excitement, violence and tenderness; unexpected plot twists push the pace on. Keaen is captivating and a delight to read" - Philip Schlup