Historical Fantasy
Short Stories
google PLAY (TBA)
ISBN: 9781770530171
$4.99 US
ISBN: 9781770530164
Trade Paperback
5.5" X 8.5"
$11.95 US
$15.95 CDN
154 pages
Broken Time Blues: Fantastic Tales in the Roaring ’20s
Sandwiched between the horrors of the two Great Wars, the 1920s stand out as a glittering, transformative spectacle in history. Spurred by World War I, waves of immigration, innovation, and cultural change surged through America and the rest of the world. Not for nothing does that era bear the names the Roaring 20s, the Golden Twenties, and the Jazz Age. It was brief, glitzy, seedy, and marked by competing tensions; perhaps destined to crash in spectacular fashion.
For fictional purposes, the grit and glamour of the decade combine into the headiest of potions. Flappers and jazz stars; ugly racial inequalities; veterans in hidden gin joints drowning their sorrows with cheap alcohol brought from the mountains by men with fast cars and faster tongues.
Broken Time Blues captures the raging spirit of the times, both light and dark, and adds a twist of fantasy and science fiction.
Come on a ride with us, through the speakeasies and the mountain stills. Grab a drink and read stories about things that might have been, or maybe were.
Illustrated by Galen Dara and Evan Jensen.
About the Editors:
Jaym Gates met herself coming through three doors the other day, and the world split asunder… sorry. Really, she’s PR Manager for Raw Dog Screaming Press; editor of Crossed Genres Magazine; publicist for underground entertainment media group NBTV; editor of the anthology Rigor Amortis; and author, volunteer, and blogger. [MORE]
Erika Holt keeps busy by writing speculative fiction, reading slush for Scape (the ezine of young adult, speculative fiction), and editing anthologies with Jaym Gates. Her fiction appears in Evolve 2: Vampire Stories of the Future Undead Shelter of Daylight. She is a proud native of Calgary, Canada. [MORE]
Stories and Contributors:
“The idea of Spec-Fic from the 1920s intrigued me. At first, due to my own ignorance of the era, had assumed that each story would be filled with bathtub gin, rum runners, and speakeasys. Perhaps something about the depression. I was wrong. Sure some of those elements were present, but the stories ran the gamut from magical to fantastic to out of this world. The authors (and editors) did their homework. I'm a stickler for details and when something feels out of place, I have a tendency to look something up. I only ran into a couple of snags that once I stopped, looked up the detail, I was pleasantly surprised to find the story accurate.” — JR Murdock
“I usually try to cherry-pick for anthology reviews, but Gates and Holt made that essentially impossible. I’d like to note that Jaym Gates and Erika Holt can do something I rarely see well executed by anthologies. It’s good, from start to finish. The themes are just dissimilar enough that even the painful reads act as counterbalances to the others, and the anthology itself shows not only excellent writing, but talented editing.” — Lillian Cohen-Moore
Interviews and Reviews:
Imprint: Absolute XPress