ISBN: 978-0-888782-70-0
Trade Paperback
5.5" X 8.5"
$10.95 US
304 pages
Tesseracts2 expands the dimensions of speculative fiction experientially, with startling visions of the future by new and established Canadian authors.
Enter Tesseracts2 and celebrate the fifteen-billionth birthday of the Universe ... experience Void-link, the ultimate in video games ... walk with herds of multi-dimensional creatures that roam Earth’s cities grazing on human flesh ... observe the effects of television on alien life ... achieve immortality by storing your dreams in ROM.
Tesseracts 2 features twenty-three stories by:
Élisabeth Vonarburg,
Alain Champetier,
Candas Jane Dorsey,
William Gibson,
David Godfrey,
Terence M. Green,
Tom Henighan,
M. Travis Lane,
Michael Mirolla,
John Park,
Wendy G. Pearson,
Esther Rochon,
Stan Rogal,
Leon Rooke,
Rhea Rose,
Kathryn A. Sinclair,
Michael Skeet,
Heather Spears,
Andrew Weiner,
Margaret Atwood, winner of the Governor General’s Award, the Booker Prize, and the Arthur C. Clarke award for Science Fiction.
About thge editors:
Phyllis Gotlieb
The late Phyllis Gotlieb was born in Toronto, Canada. She was married to Calvin Gotlieb, professor emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Toronto and has three grown children, and four grandchildren. She has published five volumes of poetry, nine novels (eight of them science fiction), as well as two story collections, and has co-edited an anthology of Canadian science fiction. Versions of her works have appeared in nine languages worldwide. Phyllis Gotlieb passed away Tuesday July 14th 2009 in Toronto. She was said to have been Canada's first Science Fiction author. Phyllis Gotlieb was an inspiration for all Canadian Science Fiction authors and will be deeply missed. [MORE]
Douglas Barbour
Douglas Barbour was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and has been a critic and editor as well as a poet. He has edited the anthologies Inscriptions: A Prairie Poetry Anthology, A Salt Reader, and The Maple Laugh Forever: An Anthology of Comic Canadian Poetry. In 1984 Mr. Barbour was the recipient of the Stephan Stephasson Award for Poetry, from the Writers’ Guild of Alberta. He currently teaches Canadian Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Alberta. [MORE]
About the Series: