ISBN: 978-1-77053-046-1
Trade Paperback
6.0" X 9.0"
$ 19.95
328 pages
e-ISBN: 978-1-77053-047-8
$4.99 US
i-Pad (TBA)
E-BOOK (multi-format):
Unholy Science (Part Ten of the Okal Rel Saga)
A thousand years of secrets ends...
Amel is happy, at last! But his mission to unite warring Sevildom through the gentle branch of Okal Rel may cost him more than his life. Meanwhile, his Nesak ally, Herver Glorian, must live with the death and violence brought about by his earnest efforts to reform Nesak religion, while Horth and Ilse are locked in the embrace of their impossible love on the fatal Nesak Front.
Quinn’s desire to overcome his adopted people’s dread of bioscience is hampered by the discovery he is a clone. And not just anyone’s clone, but the illegal clone of Di Mon, the 103rd liege of Monitum. What kind of relationship can he have to Di Mon’s foster son, Erien, who is close to his own age, or to Di Mon’s soul mate and lover, the Reetion anthropologist Ranar, a generation older than himself?
Ranar is keen to study the Nesak culture, in person. But even his unshakable calm is challenged by the civil violence on the Nesak homeworld, stirred up by Alivda’s ambitions.
Lovers, friends and parents struggle to keep up the fight for the empire with their dear ones caught in the Nesak occupation of fabled Demora.
And Quinn’s mother, Dartha Lorel, presides over it all, weary of philosophy, empowered by her genius, and caught between loyalties in the battle to define the future.
About Lynda Williams
The Okal Rel Saga has been a lifelong project for author Lynda Williams, culminating in book ten where threads running through all ten volumes are resolved. While cooking up the saga, Lynda has led a busy life, working in fields as diverse as crisis counseling, reporting, computer programming, instructional design, teaching and post-secondary management. She is currently Learning Technology Analyst and Manager at Simon Fraser University and teaches web development, part-time, for BCIT. In August 2013, Lynda founded Reality Skimming Press, a publishing enterprise dedicated to optimistic science fiction and fantasy in which, however bad it gets, the protagonists strive to find meaning and ethical solutions of value to themselves and deserving others. The new press has a presence on http://facebook.com/relskim where the creative buzz of projects and ideas are on display to engage you. Find related Okal Rel blogs on WordPress at http://readingokalrel.wordpress.com/ and http://okalrel.org/reality-skimming/.
Lynda has published short fiction and non-fiction in a variety of venues and received awards in the field of social uses for digital innovations. Reality Skimming Press is jointly run by Lynda and her husband, David Lott, with creative input from many others including: Richard Bartrop, Yukari Yamamoto, Sarah Trick, Paula Johanson, Randy McCharles, Jeff Doten and Jennifer Lott. [MORE]
Books in this series: