ISBN: 978-1-894063-36-4
Trade Paperback
5.5" X 8.5"
$16.95 US
320 pages
e-ISBN: 978-1-894817-67-7
$2.99 US
i-Pad (TBA)
E-BOOK (multi-format):
Tesseracts Ten (A Celebration of New Canadian Speculative Fiction)
Stunning Canadian writing...
What do Parisian buttons, nesting spiders, and men from Venus have in common? They are all part of Tesseracts Ten - the sparkling new addition to the 21 year old Tesseracts Collection.
Tesseracts Ten joins volumes One through Nine, and Tesseracts Q - forming an eleven volume anthology of Canada's best Science Fiction, Fantasy and Speculative Literature.
Following the Tesseracts tradition of having different editors for each collection, Tesseracts Ten was compiled by two of the world's finest speculative fiction writers.
About the editors:
Robert Charles Wilson, who won a best novel Hugo award for his book Spin, and Edo van Belkom, winner of the Bram Stoker award for horror, reviewed, sorted and carefully selected a remarkable collection of short stories and poems, chosen from submissions that were made from Canadian speculative fiction authors.
What makes Tesseracts Ten special:
- Every story/poem is diverse and distinctive, ranging from futuristic hard core science fiction to alternative history...
- Stories hand picked by award winning editors Robert Charles Wilson and Edo van Belkom.
- Powerful new works by both well known and new Canadian speculative fiction writers.
- Many of the authors have won awards for previous works.
- Part of a long lineage of Tesseracts speculative fiction collections.
- Following Tesseracts Nine, edited by Nalo Hopkinson and Geoff Taylor which won the Aurora award for best works other.
About the Series:
“The best story this time around is clearly Matthew Hughes’ Go Tell the Phoenicians. The story is a bit heavy on the exposition at the top, but the setup is worth it. Earth’s civilization has spread through the galaxy, and it’s a repressive one — as Hughes puts in a memorable phrase, it’s a combination of “multinational corporations and tyrannical regimes” (159). It’s like all the worst aspects of colonial times, with the science fiction twist that only humans have discovered interstellar travel and they’re keeping it a huge secret. Endless exploitation follows, as only the Bureau of Offworld Trade could do — and it’s certainly a wonderful acronym!” - James Schellenberg, Challenging Destiny
"...a highly recommended pick for any serious science fiction library whether home or public lending library." - The Midwest Book Review
"You might, though, be interested in reading Tesseracts Ten to see just what the state of speculative fiction in Canada is these days: what styles, themes and scenarios suggest themselves to Canada's would-be Isaac Asimovs." - Alex Rettie, Alberta Views
"Tesseracts 10 is one of the strongest of the Tesseracts collections of Canadian speculative fiction, containing 22 stories and poems that include translations into English of French-Canadian works. Although the Tesseracts collections put "speculative fiction" into the title, they've been dominated by what most readers would simply call science fiction.... the collection also contains a number of stories that suggest that Canadian speculative fiction is finally moving beyond its sci-fi foundation.... Tesseracts 10 is worth the read." - Dru Pagliassotti, The Harrow
"The anthology illustrates the broad range of topics and writing styles that falls into the collective basket known as Speculative Fiction. The stories won't appeal to everyone, but the good news is there should be something in here for almost every taste. The collection includes short poems of only seven lines all the way up to stories of 30 pages in length. With a growing pool of writing to choose from, this bodes well for Canadian SF. The popularity of the genre is exemplified by the split in writers from what may once long ago have been thought a mainly male bastion. In this anthology, we have eight male writers and thirteen female authors, while a generous variety both of male and female protagonists inhabit the stories. Highly Recommended." - Ronald Hore, The Canadian Review of Materials
"The book is a treat to hold, polished and attractive. From the Giger-esque figures on the front to the simple yet elegant page design, the whole experience of Tesseracts 10 was sheer joy. Individual stories seem to flow from one to the next. Well-chosen words and realistic characters and believable situations (no matter how unreal and unbelievable they may be) make you wonder "what if", and you carry on their stories, long after you?ve put down the book." - Jillian Bell, The Bookchick
"The tenth annual volume of an acclaimed Canadian anthology series presents a mixture of innovative and more traditional short stories and verse. Unlike the earliest editions, which used Canada only as a unifying theme, all of the authors included this time are native or naturalized Canadians. Such relative newcomers as Victoria Fisher and Mark Dachuk share equal billing with veterans including Scott McKay and Matthew Hughes. Tales of macabre horror, such as "The Undoing," Sarah Totton's peek into a future in which criminal punishment involves amputation, mingle with technological speculations, as exemplified by Allen Moore's "Donovan's Brain," about artificial intelligence infiltrating the Internet. An alternate history piece, a futuristic ghost story, an amusing poem about Frankenstein, and French Canadian tales by Michele Laframboise and Rene Beaulieu, ably translated by Sheryl Curtis, all find niches here. Far from feeling like a limitation, the Canadian focus results in a volume of superior writing that transcends territory to appeal to speculative-fiction fans everywhere." - Carl Hays, Booklist
"This is a first-rate collection of stories that deserve much greater exposure. These authors may not yet be household names; they also deserve much greater exposure. The reader will not go wrong with this book." - Paul Lappen, Amazon.com
"Each year a team of editors from the best of Canada's writers and publishers gathers innovative fiction and poetry from emerging writers in the world of Canadian speculative fiction, producing highly polished and original anthologies - and TESSERACTS TEN is no exception. Many of the names will be new and unfamiliar even to avid speculative fiction fans - which makes the collection's high quality even more exciting. Works by Robert Charles Wilson, Victoria Fisher, Matthew Johnson and more to name some top-notch contributors: a highly recommended pick for any serious science fiction library whether home or public lending library." - Midwest Book Review
Tesseracts Ten edited by Edo Van Belkom & Robert Charles Wilson, was an Aurora Awards finalist for the Best Work in English (Other).