ISBN: 978-1-894063-03-6
Trade Paperback
5.5" X 8.5"
$16.95 US
320 pages
e-ISBN: 978-1-894063-85-2
$2.99 US
i-Pad (TBA)
E-BOOK (multi-format):
Tesseracts Eleven (Amazing Canadian Speculative Fiction)
Hand picked authors and a literary legacy...
You may want to read it in one quick bite… Or savor it slowly like fine swiss chocolate… One delicious prose at a time!
For 22 years, SF lovers from around the world have enjoyed the stories and poems of the Tesseracts series, (Tesseracts One through Ten, and Tesseracts Q). This unique collection of books has featured the work of some of Canada's finest speculative fiction writers, selected and edited by ever changing combinations of editors, hand picked for each edition. For many science fiction writers, Tesseracts was a spring board to their fame.
Tesseracts Eleven brings the series to a new height, with a tasty blend of past and present writers, with their own individual visions of the future. The literature of Tesseracts Eleven has been critically selected and shaped into the collection you see by this year's editors, two of Canada's finest writers - acclaimed authors Cory Doctorow and Holly Phillips. Together they have chosen a powerful combination of works by well known writers, as well as newer authors whose futures you will want to follow.
Some favorite Tesseracts ingredients are a featured part of this edition's literary blend: some very popular award winning names in Canada's SF scene, like Canada's grand dame of speculative fiction,
Elisabeth Vonarburg, Claude Lalumière, David Nickle and Candas Jane Dorsey, to name just a few. As well, readers will find some bright new stars in the science fiction world like Yukon's Jerome Stueart, or Calgary's Susan Forest - just 2 of the delicious authors featured in this fine offering.
All told, Doctorow and Phillips have presented 22 pieces of literary delights to tantalize your imagination, and although you may want to consume the book in one sitting - take your time, and savor each exquisite morsel - delight in every bite. Grab your favorite beverage, settle down, and enjoy the latest in Canada's literary legacy - Tesseracts Eleven
About the editors:
Cory Doctorow and Holly Phillips are both established authors with numerous awards for their works.
Featured authors:
Featured in Tesseracts Eleven are the works by: Daniel Archambault, Madeline Ashby, Greg Bechtel, Nancy Bennett, Lisa Carreiro, Peter Darbyshire, Khria Deefholts, Cory Doctorow, Candas Jane Dorsey, Susan Forest, Kim Goldberg, Andrew Gray, Alyxandra Harvey-Fitzhenry, Stephen Kotowych, Claude Lalumière, John Mavin, Randy McCharles, Steven Mills, David Nickle, Holly Phillips, Kate Riedel, Hugh Spencer, Jerome Stueart and Élisabeth Vonarburg.
About the Series:
“Tesseracts Eleven is an excellent way of keeping a handle on what is current in this type of fiction, at least from a Canadian point of view, and would be of value to both the fan and the budding writer.” - Ronald Hore, reviewer
“Tesseracts Eleven is a very solid anthology, full of enjoyable and thoughtful stories.” - Locus Online
“Kim Goldberg’s poem “Urban Getaway” was a tumble of moving images and Claude Lalumiere’s short story “The Object of Worship” was gripping (although, Lalumiere always writes top-notch stuff – I’ve never read a story of his that wasn’t impressive).” - Bloginhood, Reviewer
“The striking thing about these stories, aside from the fact that they are all really good, is that many of them are very contemporary stories. They could easily take place last month, or a couple of years from now. This book is very much worth the search.” - Dead Trees Review
Tesseracts Eleven received a mention on Elizabeth Now...And Then stating that it was a thought provoking book that would be worth checking out previous Tesseract Anthologies.